Urlaub in der DDR - DDR-Magazin 1975 - Ferien
SC 3.1/10 

Year: 1975
Country: East Germany
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, summer camp
Description: In the holiday season you can relax in the GDR at the lake, in the mountains or at the Müritz, the largest inland lake in the GDR. Families check into the hotel. Holidays for families with many children are described as problematic, but solvable. The holiday resort "Friendship of Nations" has 1270 beds. It is a union holiday service. In an interview, a person in charge of the settlement talks about the system. There are many children among the visitors. Attention is drawn to special facilities for children. The children's stay costs 30 marks for the parents and is subsidized by the trade union. The Burghardt family serves as an example of costs, with four children, they only pay 1/3 of the family's monthly income for vacation. The family is shown engaging in beach activities. You can borrow bikes for free. The system is presented in different images.
Video Added: 06.05.2022

'Urlaub in der DDR - DDR-Magazin 1975 - Ferien'

Frohe Ferientage fur alle Kinder
Date: 23.11.1954
Country: East Germany
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: This black and white documentary film shows a three-week stay of young pioneers in a holiday camp of a publicly owned company (VEB) in the Spreewald. The children spent the August days of 1954 hiking, camping and exploring, followed by sporting competitions and activities in working groups for young paramedics, photographers and historical researchers.
Video Added: 10.10.2020

'Frohe Ferientage fur alle Kinder'

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