Balashovskie tekstilshchiki
SC 4.4/10 

Year: 1991
Country: Soviet Union
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Keywords: sauna
Description: A film about the Balashov factory of raincoat fabrics.
Video Added: 25.08.2022

'Balashovskie tekstilshchiki'

Vetnam - pobeditel
SC 5.7/10 

Year: 1975
Country: Soviet Union
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: About the life of the Vietnamese people after a long struggle for freedom and independence.
Video Added: 16.08.2022

'Vetnam - pobeditel'

Chto takoe khorosho i chto takoe plokho!
SC 2.0/10 

Year: 1989
Country: Soviet Union
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, girl
Description: The film in an entertaining way tells about the basic rules of hygienic education of young children.
Video Added: 12.08.2022

'Chto takoe khorosho i chto takoe plokho!'

Zdravstvuy, detstvo
SC 1.1/10 

Year: 1974
Country: Soviet Union
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, medical check
Description: A film about how important it is to save childhood in the modern world.
Video Added: 29.07.2022

'Zdravstvuy, detstvo'

Shkola Vladimira Kokurina
SC 7.1/10 

Year: 1987
Country: Soviet Union
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy
Description: The film tells about the Saransk freestyle wrestling coach Vladimir Kokurin, his work with young athletes.
Video Added: 26.07.2022

'Shkola Vladimira Kokurina'

Schastlivoe detstvo
SC 5.7/10 

Year: 1976
Country: Soviet Union
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: Using the example of organizing the education of preschoolers in kindergartens in Latvia, the film introduces how the spiritual and physical development of children was carried out in the Soviet Union.
Video Added: 22.07.2022

'Schastlivoe detstvo'

Gorod shchedrogo solntsa
SC 7.3/10 

Year: 1979
Country: Soviet Union
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, girl, medical check
Description: The rest of soviet people at resorts of Anapa.
Video Added: 08.07.2022

'Gorod shchedrogo solntsa'

Vospominanie o Brigantine
SC 5.3/10 

Year: 1983
Country: Soviet Union
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, girl, medical check
Description: About the children's sanatorium "Brigantina" in Evpatoria (Crimea).
Video Added: 01.07.2022

'Vospominanie o Brigantine'

Dostizheniya Strany Sovetov. 1919 - 1923
Year: 1923
Country: Soviet Union
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: Children are engaged in dancing in the fresh air. Swimming in the river, people jump from the bank into the water.
Video Added: 17.05.2022

'Dostizheniya Strany Sovetov. 1919 - 1923'

Gosudarstvo - detyam
SC 7.7/10 

Year: 1978
Country: Soviet Union
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, medical check, summer camp, swimming
Description: A documentary about how the Soviet state takes care of its young citizens, about protecting the health of children in our country and their harmonious development.
Video Added: 29.04.2022

'Gosudarstvo - detyam'

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