Husmors filmer 1952
SC 3.3/10 

Year: 1952
Country: Sweden
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: A collection of housewife films from 1952, including clips from the novice by the stove with Folke Olhagen and Tore Wretman.
Video Added: 15.04.2022

'Husmors filmer 1952'

Et besøk paa hovedøens bad
Year: 1922
Country: Norway
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: This film is part of our collection of film pioneer Hans Berge's (1877-1934) silent movie productions.
Video Added: 12.04.2022

'Et besøk paa hovedøens bad'

Femø 1971
SC 6.4/10 

Year: 1974
Country: Denmark
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: The film consists of conversations among women on the first feminist camp. We receive a strong impression of their freshly gained curiosity and openness towards themselves and each other as they try to understand and analyse their lives as women. Through the film runs as an undercurrent that the aftermath of the camp will be new feminist relationships.
Video Added: 08.04.2022

'Femø 1971'

Pienikin ponnistaa
SC 4.3/10 

Year: 1953
Country: Finland
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Keywords: physical education
Description: Physical activity of young Finns.
Video Added: 05.04.2022

'Pienikin ponnistaa'

Indianer och blekansikten
SC 0.9/10 

Year: 1945
Country: Sweden
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, summer camp, swimming
Description: Pictures from the children's camp, and propaganda for Solstickan's activities.
Video Added: 01.04.2022

'Indianer och blekansikten'

Fernden School
Year: 1939
Country: USA
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, summer camp, swimming
Keywords: scouting
Description: Fernden 1939 - Scout Camp. Fernden 1939 - Swimming Sports (July). Fernden 1939 - Scouting Display & Boxing.
Video Added: 29.03.2022

'Fernden School'

Der appelsiner heter Naranjas
SC 6.4/10 

Year: 1986
Country: Norway
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: Following the events in Med badedrakt i ranselen (1986), we get to see more school and everyday life for a group of Norwegian school children on Gran Canaria, a Spanish island. - IMDb
Video Added: 25.03.2022

'Der appelsiner heter Naranjas'

Suomi-Filmin uutiskuvia 11 35
Year: 1935
Country: Finland
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, summer camp, swimming
Keywords: scouting
Description: Clouds in the sky. A scout boys' summer camp, about twenty boys running from the tents and standing in front of them in two rows. Exercise. Wading on a rocky beach. Running from a wooden house along a path towards the camera. Go through a gate made of sticks in the meadow. Sitting blankets on the shoulders in a meadow around a campfire, the man speaks. Ticketing. Volleyball is played. Three men build a wooden frame. Dozens of boys run naked from the shed. Pier and jumping tower, swimmers. The boy stands at the door, hitting Gong. The boys run from the tents towards the camera. Standing in line in front of the camera. Eating inside around a long table, a few men at the next table. The children swim and climb on the partially sunken boat that reads Sörn 1.
Video Added: 22.03.2022

'Suomi-Filmin uutiskuvia 11 35'

Friluftsskulptur i Oslo
SC 4.5/10 

Year: 1953
Country: Norway
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Here, the city's sculptures are shown on a continuous tape, while a narrator explains where it is, what it is/what it is called and who made it.

The Nansen bust at the Town Hall. Garborg and Kinch at Deichmann (NB! previously open Arne Garborgs plass). Andreas Munch in Olaf Rye's place. Olafia. Fernanda Nissen by Anna Sætne at Sagene school.
The co-operative movement in Dehli's square. The Lincoln and Roosevelt Monuments. Per Palle Storm's memorial at Akershus. The lions at the Storting. The lion group at St. Hanshaugen. The Wolf Stairs at Ila. Dyre Vaa's adventure sculptures at Ankerbrua. The bull fountain at Torshov. Foal by Per Hurum in Torshovparken. Boy on dolphin at Vestkanttorget. Bislet bathroom. The wave at Skillebekk. The girl at St. Hanshaugen. Sehested place. Mother and child by Kai Nielsen in Frognerparken. Frogner Park. The whole horse at the Seamen's School. More around the Town Hall.
Video Added: 19.03.2022

'Friluftsskulptur i Oslo'

Bading i bekk
Year: 1929
Country: Norway
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: Ca. 1920-1929
Video Added: 15.03.2022

'Bading i bekk'

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