Guerreiros da Floresta 4
Year: 2019
Country: Brazil
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Episode 4: Artesanato e os Cultivos Tradicionais (Crafts and Traditional Crops)
Video Added: 19.05.2023

'Guerreiros da Floresta 4'

Guerreiros da Floresta 3
Year: 2019
Country: Brazil
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Episode 3: Os Modelos de Produção Sustentável de três Etnias Indígenas da Amazônia (The Sustainable Production Models of Three Indigenous Ethnicities in the Amazon)
Video Added: 16.05.2023

'Guerreiros da Floresta 3'

Guerreiros da Floresta 2
Year: 2019
Country: Brazil
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Episode 2: O dia a dia dos Yanomami, Huni Kuin e Suruí (The day to day of the Yanomami, Huni Kuin and Suruí)
Video Added: 12.05.2023

'Guerreiros da Floresta 2'

Guerreiros da Floresta 1
Year: 2019
Country: Brazil
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Episode 1: Três Lideranças Indígenas da Amazônia Lutam pela Conservação da Floresta (Three Amazonian Indigenous Leaders Struggle for Forest Conservation)
Video Added: 09.05.2023

'Guerreiros da Floresta 1'

SC 9.7/10 

Year: 2014
Country: Russia
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, dancing, girl, medical check
Keywords: ballet
Video Added: 05.05.2023


Ytu, el arroyo
SC 9.4/10 

Year: 2011
Country: Paraguay
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: This documentary was made with the Mbya Guaraní community “YTU”, of the Dpto. of Caazapá, Republic of Paraguay. Currently the Mbya Guaraní of Paraguay are suffering from territorial encroachment due to the imposition of the soybean monoculture. The deforestation of the forests they used to inhabit directly impacts their traditional habitat, and hence, their culture. Despite this, the Mbya Guaraní maintain their worldview and show us in this documentary the ways they have to preserve their culture.
Video Added: 14.03.2023

'Ytu, el arroyo'

A Story of Children and Film
SC 9.2/10 

Year: 2013
Country: United Kingdom
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: A Story of Children and Film is the world's first movie about kids in global cinema. It's passionate, poetic, portrait of the adventure of childhood: its surrealism, loneliness, fun, destructiveness and stroppiness: as seen through 53 great films from 25 countries. A story of children and film is an eye opener, a landmark film and a celebration of both childhood and the movies.
Video Added: 15.11.2022

'A Story of Children and Film'

The Kibbutz - Episode 4
SC 6.6/10 

Year: 2011
Country: Israel
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Keywords: kibbutz
Description: The history of the kibbutzim in Israel. Episode 4.
Video Added: 14.10.2022

'The Kibbutz - Episode 4'

The Kibbutz - Episode 3
SC 6.6/10 

Year: 2011
Country: Israel
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Keywords: kibbutz
Description: The history of the kibbutzim in Israel. Episode 3.
Video Added: 11.10.2022

'The Kibbutz - Episode 3'

The Kibbutz - Episode 2
SC 6.6/10 

Year: 2011
Country: Israel
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, girl
Keywords: kibbutz
Description: The history of the kibbutzim in Israel. Episode 2.
Video Added: 07.10.2022

'The Kibbutz - Episode 2'

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