Guerreiros da Floresta 8
Year: 2019
Country: Brazil
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Episode 8: As Mulheres Indígenas e os Projetos de Sustentabilidade (Indigenous Women and Sustainability Projects)
Video Added: 02.06.2023

'Guerreiros da Floresta 8'

Guerreiros da Floresta 7
Year: 2019
Country: Brazil
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Episode 7: O Papel das Lideranças Indígenas (The Role of Indigenous Leaders)
Video Added: 30.05.2023

'Guerreiros da Floresta 7'

Guerreiros da Floresta 6
Year: 2019
Country: Brazil
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Episode 6: A Tecnologia e o Conhecimento Tradicional a Favor da Conservação da Floresta (Technology and Traditional Knowledge in Favor of Forest Conservation)
Video Added: 26.05.2023

'Guerreiros da Floresta 6'

Guerreiros da Floresta 5
Year: 2019
Country: Brazil
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Episode 5: A Relação dos Indígenas com os não Indígenas (The Relationship of Indigenous Peoples with Non-Indigenous Peoples)
Video Added: 23.05.2023

'Guerreiros da Floresta 5'

Guerreiros da Floresta 4
Year: 2019
Country: Brazil
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Episode 4: Artesanato e os Cultivos Tradicionais (Crafts and Traditional Crops)
Video Added: 19.05.2023

'Guerreiros da Floresta 4'

Guerreiros da Floresta 3
Year: 2019
Country: Brazil
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Episode 3: Os Modelos de Produção Sustentável de três Etnias Indígenas da Amazônia (The Sustainable Production Models of Three Indigenous Ethnicities in the Amazon)
Video Added: 16.05.2023

'Guerreiros da Floresta 3'

Guerreiros da Floresta 2
Year: 2019
Country: Brazil
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Episode 2: O dia a dia dos Yanomami, Huni Kuin e Suruí (The day to day of the Yanomami, Huni Kuin and Suruí)
Video Added: 12.05.2023

'Guerreiros da Floresta 2'

Guerreiros da Floresta 1
Year: 2019
Country: Brazil
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Episode 1: Três Lideranças Indígenas da Amazônia Lutam pela Conservação da Floresta (Three Amazonian Indigenous Leaders Struggle for Forest Conservation)
Video Added: 09.05.2023

'Guerreiros da Floresta 1'

SC 9.7/10 

Year: 2014
Country: Russia
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, dancing, girl, medical check
Keywords: ballet
Video Added: 05.05.2023


Ad lange veje
SC 5.3/10 

Year: 1952
Country: Denmark
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, girl, medical check
Description: Informational film about polio, which was made in collaboration with the National Association for the Polio Association to show the association's work. The film explains how far they have come in the treatment of polio patients, i.a. by demonstrating different forms of treatment and their effectiveness. You follow two severely affected adults from their first time in hospital to the National Association's clinic on Tuborgvej, where they, together with other polio patients, adults and children, are trained to fend for themselves.
Video Added: 02.05.2023

'Ad lange veje'

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