Söndags-Nisses redaktör på sommarnöje

Year: 1915
Country: Sweden
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: A visit to Hasse Z at Utö. Hasse Zetterström with his wife and other people on the quay at Nybroviken. They board the "Södertörn" (departs for Dalarö and Utö at 3 p.m.). "The new Skurbron". Driving image towards and under the nearly finished bridge. Driving picture past docks on port side. (Dalarö) "A beach cut at Dalarö with greetings from Axel Ringvall". A Ringvall, Hasse Z and others are standing on the quay by the boat. "Hasse Z and the composer Fried". They come walking on the upper deck. (Utö) "Arrival at Utö". Driving towards land. The boat docks. They go ashore. Lunch table in the open air. Hasse Z rings the bell. The wife, Sven, Erik, the daughter. Old man on a coachman's trestle is invited to coffee by Mrs. Zetterström. Hasse Z gives a horse a haystack. "To the bath". The Zetterström and Brunius families come on a road. Two motorboats come in towards the beach with respective families in them. Swimming pictures. Mom wets little naked girl. Drinking coffee in bathrobes.
Video Added: 27.02.2024

'Söndags-Nisses redaktör på sommarnöje'

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