Baskemölla Simsällskap
Year: 1939
Country: Sweden
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, summer camp, sunbathing, swimming
Description: Swimming competitions in Baskemölla harbor in 1939. Swimming school in Kivik.
Video Added: 19.04.2024

'Baskemölla Simsällskap'

Year: 1919
Country: Sweden
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, swimming
Description: Swimming school in Sweden.
Video Added: 16.04.2024


Nära jorden

Year: 1943
Country: Sweden
Section: documentary
Tags: girl
Description: Scenic pictures to music by Bengt Rodhe.
Video Added: 12.04.2024

'Nära jorden'

SC 6.0/10 

Year: 1939
Country: Denmark
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, girl, medical check, summer camp, sunbathing
Description: The sale of Christmas tags is the basis for the establishment and operation of the Christmas tag homes around Denmark. The purpose of the homes is to house and help vulnerable and particularly needy children. Many of the Christmas tag children come from the big cities. Funds may be tight here, and the children may be left to fend for themselves and life in the wretched backyards. At the Christmas mark homes, they can receive care, fresh air and get back to work after illness. The film follows daily life at the various Christmas mark homes in Denmark: Lindersvold in Faxe, the Mørkøv home in Northwest Zealand, Fjordmark by Flensborg Fjord, Holbølls Minde by Svendborg, the Hobro home by Mariager Fjord and the Christmas mark home in Juelsminde.
Several of the recordings can also be seen in the film 'The Christmas Tag Film' from 1949.
Video Added: 09.04.2024


Előzzük meg a gyermekek hátgerincferdülését
SC 8.5/10 

Year: 1956
Country: Soviet Union
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, medical check
Description: Black and White Soviet Educational Film (1956).
Spinal curvature is a serious disease that must be cured. How can it be cured and how can it be prevented? We get an answer to this in the film. It was made at the Popular Science Film Studio in Leningrad.
Video Added: 05.04.2024

'Előzzük meg a gyermekek hátgerincferdülését'

Mir kumen on
SC 6.6/10 

Year: 1938
Country: Poland
Section: documentary
Tags: bathing, boy, girl
Description: One of the few surviving documentaries about Jewish life in Poland before World War II, this film was produced to raise funds for the Vladimir Medem Sanitarium which stood as the embodiment of health and enlightenment, in striking contrast to the grim images of urban Polish-Jewish poverty.
Video Added: 02.04.2024

'Mir kumen on'

SC 3.2/10 

Year: 2011
Country: Russia
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl, sunbathing, swimming
Description: Memoirs of former orphanage pupils about life during war and post-war times.
Video Added: 29.03.2024


Utbildningsradion - Skolbarn För Länge Sedan
Year: 1920
Country: Sweden
Section: chronicle
Tags: boy, girl, swimming
Description: Report about how the school children were in the early 1900s.
Video Added: 26.03.2024

'Utbildningsradion - Skolbarn För Länge Sedan'

SC 7.7/10 

Year: 2017
Country: Norway
Section: documentary
Tags: boy, girl
Description: Over the span of a year, filmmakers Marte (Norway) and Jéro (South Korea) exchange visual letters, documenting their everyday lives.
Video Added: 22.03.2024


Noci sonanti
SC 8.4/10 

Year: 2019
Country: Italy
Section: documentary
Tags: boy
Description: Siddharta and Fabrizio, one of them nine years old, the other 65, are the core of a community that renounces every civilising comfort. Damiano Giacomelli and Lorenzo Raponi observe the life of the 'Noci Sonanti' over one summer marked by sun-drenched days and newborn cats.
Video Added: 19.03.2024

'Noci sonanti'

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